2019年6月23日 星期日

歡迎參考-6/29 TRANS 2019 亞洲最大生醫新創趨勢論壇


時間|2019 / 6 / 29(六)– 2019 / 6 / 30(日)

官方網站 https://www.accupass.com/event/1904291350181321750574

萬物皆由水孕育而生。地球下了一場延續上百年的滂沱大雨,形成汪洋。生物自海洋著陸,河流切開一整片平原,澆灌出豐饒的文明。 自胚胎起,我們就被水溫柔包覆。在TRANS 2019,我們接納所有大膽的、新穎的想法在此交融,新創團隊、投資人以及各方生醫學者齊聚,新的世代隱然胎動,醞釀著一場革命。高舉理想的旗,匯聚所有義無反顧於一個流域。 水堅定而強大,能夠承載數千萬噸的船在水面上航行,亦能翻湧出洶湧的浪花。

TRANS 2019 生醫新創論壇致力於扮演創業團隊最堅強的後盾,蘊含強大的能量,承載及指引團隊邁向遠方。TRANS 2019,Strong but gentle,邀你參與一場溫柔而堅定的革命。

Water is the basis of everything. The ocean was formed a billion years ago as the rain poured heavily to our Earth. Living creatures came from the ocean. Rivers cut through a whole plain of land and formed rich civilizations. We are gently wrapped by water in the embryo as well. In TRANS 2019, we embrace all the bold and novel ideas. Here is a place where startups, investors, and medical practitioners gather together. A new generation has been born and is brewing for a revolution. Hold the ideal flag up high and without hesitation, gather all the righteousness in a river basin. The water is firm and strong. It is capable of carrying tens of millions tons of ships sailing on the water and surge raging waves.

TRANS 2019, an innovative biomedical entrepreneurship conference, serves as the strongest backing of the entrepreneurial team. With strong energy, it carries and guides the team to a far distance. TRANS 2019, "Strong but Gentle," invites you to participate in this strong, but gentle revolution




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